Sunday, March 15, 2009


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i guess for atleast the next day or too my blog is not going to make any sense in the matter of timeline to any of you. im just blogging stuff that took place before the birth of the blog. But it doesnt really matter because this is the sweetest shit ive seen in a long time. this past friday was friday the THIRTEENth,in fact for the second month in the row which is pretty crazy . but besides that i dunno if you knew but you can get thirteen dollar tattoos on friday the thirteenths. orginally jad ben and i biked down to dare devil tattoo to see what this was all about. we got there and the place was swamped. but basically for 13 bucks you can choose from this sheet that had a bunch of ridiculous flash art mostly containing very graphic penis' and butterflys. we put our name on a list. got 11 dumplings for 2 dollars. and came back a few hours later. jad got the most ubsurd tattoo ever tattooed ever on his thigh. perfect for shortshorts. easily hidden with normal shorts. heres a few pizz i got


so the orginal design jad had choosen was just the pigs . . . but how sweet can the pigs be by themselves., so jads just like. "Hey ill give you a couple bucks more if ya write pig fucker on there" LOL , it turned out they where really stoked and did it for free. somewhere along the way it went from like, alright will just marker it on,to will freehand it , to ,will free hand it left handed. turned out better then i write normally. heres another couple pics.. first one is the people in the shop all pumped there like filming this happening.

So yeah thats that.

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